Schedule Your 60-Minute 1:1 SUCCESS SESSION Interview Below.
Get Mentally Ready To Dig In Deep During Your 60-Minute 1:1 Interview ON-TIME, Free of Distractions, and Committed to TRANSFORM.
IF you don’t act now and regain control over the areas of your life
that matter most.
We'll Show You How To Re-Light Your Inner Fire, Get Back Your Energy, Be The Role Model For Your Kids, And Strengthen Your Relationships In 12 Weeks
Keep This Up For 12 Months And You'll Be The Greatest Version Of Yourself.
There Is NO Other Program In The World That Offers You This Level Of Training, Accountability, And Community. This Program Was Built And Forged Inside Of My Own Pain Of Getting Myself Back On Track After Having My First Baby.
Don't be fooled... Getting results like this ain't easy and it's not for the uncommitted.
See The Latest Graduates And Proof Of Their Results Below.
I help busy performance-driven successful dads get back the balance they crave with their family, fitness, and profession so they can be at their very BEST. As a result, they've traded their health for wealth and now have a DAD BOD, 20-40+ lbs overweight, out of shape, and just feel like a shell of their former self.
I help busy ex-athlete dads who are performance-driven successful professionals who've taken the hard work they used to put towards sports and now put that into their family and profession. As a result, they've traded their health for wealth and now have a DAD BOD, 20-40+ lbs overweight, out of shape, and just feel like a shell of their former self.
I created this after my first daughter was born. I was neglecting my wife and my daughter because I was so focused on building my business, I was never fully there or present so I was missing out on precious time I'd never get back. My wife expressed her feelings about being "2nd best" to my business and at the time, she was right.
That's when I knew I needed to get my shit together and figure out how to balance things out.
I didn't want to neglect my health and fitness nor did I want to let my businesses slip so I went to the drawing board and created a system that was designed specifically for the success-driven ex-athlete dad. The main focus is to help them "balance" out of their life and build themselves up in the 4 key roles... A father, a husband, a professional, and an athlete.
I've made it to the Crossfit Games as a 39-year-old master and placed 7th in the world while running 2 businesses and having two kids so I know HOW to make it all happen juggling both business and family and I want the same for you.
I created this after my first daughter was born. I was neglecting my wife and my daughter because I was so focused on building my business, I was never fully there or present so I was missing out on precious time I'd never get back. My wife expressed her feelings about being "2nd best" to my business and at the time, she was right.
That's when I knew I needed to get my shit together and figure out how to balance things out.
I didn't want to neglect my health and fitness nor did I want to let my businesses slip so I went to the drawing board and created a system that was designed specifically for the success-driven ex-athlete dad. The main focus is to help them "balance" out of their life and build themselves up in the 4 key roles... A father, a husband, a professional, and an athlete.
I've made it to the Crossfit Games as a 39-year-old master and placed 7th in the world while running 2 businesses and having two kids so I know HOW to make it all happen juggling both business and family and I want the same for you.
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Results Disclaimer: Listen, we’re not here to make guarantees or hold your hand. TheForged Father & UNLEASH, Frameworks, Tools, Trainings and Teachings and everything else we offer, whether paid or free, will only work if you do. Results aren’t typical because, well, most people aren’t willing to put in the real effort. If you’re expecting magic without action, this isn’t for you. Every result you achieve is up to you, your choices, and how hard you’re willing to push. We provide the tools and the path, but you’ll need to bring the grit. Don’t blame us if you choose to stay stuck—take responsibility, rise up, and make it happen.
Copyright 2019 - The Forged Athlete - All Rights Reserved.
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IMPORTANT LEGAL DISCLAIMER FOR TESTIMONIALS, RISK AND TYPICAL RESULTS. Achieving optimal health and fitness is not an exact science and the combination of exercise and input to achieve desire results may vary from individual to individual. Following lifestyle, fitness, nutrition and general health tips or programs contained on this website/blog does not guarantee that you will achieve desire results or that you will look like images that might be posted on this website/blog. Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program. This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.