⚠️ For The EX-ATHLETE DAD ⚠️ 


LOSE The Extra 20-30 LBS



Would You Like To Regain Back The Strength, Health, Energy, & CONFIDENCE You Once Had When You Were A High Level Athlete?

IF YES... DISCOVER THE "FORGED FATHER METHOD" And How It'll Help You DESTROY THE DAD BOD WITHOUT Making You Spend Tons Of HOURS In The Gym Or Go On A Strict Diet...

*** Final Day To Register Is TODAY!! ***

This Is For The BUSY Ex-Athlete Dad Who's...

💪🏻 READY to Destroy the “DAD BOD” and get back to feeling like he's in his PRIME

😖 READY to STOP feeling so physically run-down, tired, and just way out of shape

😅 READY to END the struggle keeping up with kids because he gets winded just after a few seconds


🤔 READY to start feeling & looking like that “ATHLETE” again filled with CONFIDENCE, DRIVE, and POWER

  • ​Finally shred away the extra 20-30 lbs you put on after becoming a dad and not competing in sport any longer
  • ​Get rid of the dreaded "Dad Bod" for good without having to go on a strict diet or spend your life in the gym.
  • ​COMMIT to change, aren't afraid to put in hard work and want a fun challenge (this isn't about a quick fix or gimmick).
  • ​Develop a new sense of DISCIPLINE so you can put an END to your BS excuses and constant lack of motivation.
  • ​Join a powerful community of other 'DRIVEN DADS' to get the extra support, push and accountability you need. 
Through the PROVEN Forged FATHER PATH You'll Be Coaching & Guided With How To...
✔️ Gain an athletic physique back and shed off the excess weight you’ve gained since becoming a DAD (shred the DAD BOD)

✔️ Look and FEEL like an ATHLETE again using simple and effective nutrition and training protocols

✔️ START and END the day with rituals to create your own motivation and drive daily

✔️ Think LONG TERM and create the life you want for yourself and your family

✔️ Become a LEADER within your family so you can inspire your kids to be at their best as well

✔️ Most importantly, you will receive actual COACHING and will be held accountable to follow through with your goals!

Learn how to optimize and value your:






This program was built to help EX-Athlete DADS lose the 20-30 pounds and get back their edge in life so they can be at their absolute BEST for themselves and their family.

Is This YOU??

YES!  This is a REAL Coaching Program.

You have the support, guidance, and direct contact with me (Travis).  I'm a DAD and ATHLETE myself and I'm here to show you how you can be your absolute BEST.  

How?? Because I know exactly what we as DADS need. 

Think about it...  Why were we in the best shape of our lives when we played sports? BECAUSE WE HAD COACHING. Not because we were young, but because we had real accountability and real support and that is what this is!!!

As long as you are serious and committed to change, we will together get you your edge back in life and DETROY THE DAD BOD for good!

Every single week there are LIVE COACHING SESSIONS where we cover a variety of topics. 

We don't only cover  training and nutrition problems, but we cover also cover the LIFE PROBLEMS that we all face.

This program is beyond just "nutrition and exercise" and if you want real change and transformation, you'll need to get your LIFE dialed in as well.

On the roundtable calls, you have the opportunity to take a deep-dive into ANY topic you ever want help with.  

Nothing is off limits and these sessions are ALL ABOUT YOU. 

When you're in the BROTHERHOOD, you have a TEAM and a FAMILY of fellow Ex-Athlete DADS behind you to keep you accountable and on track.

What makes this program so unique is the BROTHERHOOD COMMUNITY... There's NO OTHER COMMUNITY LIKE THIS ANYWHERE ELSE!  

You're NOT on your own when you a part of this program.

You'll be held accountable, pushed outside of your comfort zone, and held to a HIGHER STANDARD on living which in turn will bring you more success, personal growth, and RESULTS than you could ever achieve on your own. 

Keeping track of your progress and staying on top of your training is ESSENTIAL to your success.  

I make it simple for you with the MOBILE WORKOUT APP where you'll be able to easily access your workouts plus keep track of your progress.  It'll be nice to see how you're getting fitter and stronger as you put in the work and get consistent with the program.

Also, since your workouts can be adjusted in real time, I'll easily be able to make modifications and updates to your training when needed to make sure you're staying on track and pushing ahead.  updates from me when needed

Imagine what it'll feel like to wake up every morning with a clear and focused mind, knowing exactly what it is you need to accomplish for the day with your???

With the CORE 5 LIFESTYLE SYSTEM, your day-to-day life is going to become super organized and more efficient.  You're not going to feel so stressed and "busy" because you'll have a PLAN of ATTACK on what you need to get done within your FITNESS, FUEL, MINDSET, RELATIONSHIPS, and PLANNING.

You'll have the clarity, certainty, and CONFIDENCE to DO THE WORK THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE so you have more time for the things that matter most in your life...  FAMILY and FRIENDS.  

The "CORE 5" SYSTEM is the LIFEBLOOD of the Forged FATHER Project that's going to help you get complete control over your life.

Want to know how you're going to be EXCITED and FIRED UP to train and push your body again??

The HYBRID Training SYSTEM - That's HOW! 

NO longer will you have the "I Don't Have Time" or the "I Don't Have Equipment" to train EXCUSE... 

In this program you'll be given and shown how to workout in a full-fledged gym to your basement, backyard, at a hotel, wherever! 

This is no one-sized-fits all approach - You'll have a program designed to fit YOU and your LIFESTYLE that'll get you strong, lean, super fit, and most of all, looking and feeling great

It's time to put an end to your "NUTRITION CONFUSION" for good.  Forget about KETO, eating 110% clean, trying to stick to some BS shake diet like Herbalife, and wasting money on fat burners.


I'm going to SHOW YOU EXACTLY HOW TO EAT so you'll understand how nutrition really works so you can not only shred away the extra 20-30 lbs you want gone, but get rid of it for GOOD. 

You'll still be able to eat the foods you LOVE and get the results without restriction.  

I'll be coaching you up on the 'FUEL NUTRITION" flexible eating system which will have you eating more food than you ever thought imaginable giving you more energy, better health and fitness, plus a lean and strong body.


To keep you on your toes and add in a little bit of friendly competition, every month there's a different THEME we focus in on within the BROTHERHOOD.

This keeps everything fresh and engaging plus, you'll improve on the specific focus we have the monthly theme directed on.

For example, in January, it was all about getting our nutrition dialed back in after the Holiday's...  February is all about improving and building up our relationships...  March will be focused towards mini workout challenges... April will be geared towards planning... 

In connection with these challenges, there's typically a scoring system in place to keep you accountable to drive results. 

Similar to how you earn your different colored belts in "Karate", within the Forged FATHER Project, we have a system in place that will REWARD you will a special wrist band once you've accomplished all of the specific standards needed for a certain level.

This keeps you focused in on PROGRESS and PERFORMANCE and it's highly motivating.  So, instead of just "going through the motions" with your training and nutrition, the ASCENSION SYSTEM creates an extra bit of excitement to everything we do in the program.

The LEVELS go as such...

LEVEL 1 (HUNTER/White Band)
LEFEL 4 (SAVAGE/Black Band)

When you're a part of the BROTHERHOOD, you're like FAMILY and so as any family would do, we get together and enjoy time with one another.

We have 3-4 different LIVE events every year where everyone within the program comes together to train, hang, and mastermind together for a few days.

We also come together and run SPARTAN RACES together.

There's no better feeling than when you can finally meet up with some of the guys you've been going through the program with in REAL PERSON.  

Every event is very impactful and life changing as you'll walk away with a new experience as well as a new fire to back back out in life and kickass!

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